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Quick Start : Google Cloud Storage

This guide is set up to help you offload your WordPress Media Library to an Google Cloud Storage bucket using Offload Media swiftly and promptly.

Logging into the GCP console

A GCP (Google Cloud Platform) account is required to sign in from the Google Console Page.

If you do not have a GCP account you can simply sign up for a new account from the same page.

Creating Service Account Key File

After logging into your GCP account you will need to create a new service account key and download its file.

Maneuver to the Credentials section in the left-hand menu of the API and Services page, to create new credentials select the Create credentials option on the new page and choose Service Account as the type you want to create credentials off.

Creating a service account has 3 main steps the first step is to fill out the details of the service account

You can set your own preferred name and also create an authentic Service account ID as well. You can fill out your email address as well.

This will now lead to the next step, granting access to the service account from all the different types of accesses. It is advised a user should select the “Storage Admin” option as this will give full control over all GCS resources.


The final step in creating a service account is optional as it is meant to list or specify users who have access to the account. By clicking on the Done button the service account will be created.

Under the list of Service Accounts, you can find your newly created service account. The next step is to edit the newly created account by either double-clicking it or clicking on the edit button seen under the actions tab.

When the page gets loaded the next step is to add a new key and to add a new key there will be a button termed “Add Key” on the left-hand side.

Clicking on the “Add Key” button will load a POP-UP in which the user should select the key type out of the two options given the user should select the JSON key option.

Clicking the create option will automatically create the key and also save the private key to your desktop. It is advised to keep this key safe as Google will only show these credentials once. You can only create a new set of keys from the Service account but cannot recover the secret key again.

Configure Plugin

After installation, maneuver your way to the admin page Offload media -> Configure 

You can see a welcome screen, By clicking on the Next button you will be redirected to a Service selection page,

You can choose the service that you want to configure on your WordPress site.

Here we choose Google Cloud and forward the step by clicking the Next button.

Then, You can see a welcome screen of the Google Cloud Storage configuration. If you’re confused about the configuration you can go to our documentation page from this screen.

Click on the Next button to configure the service,

Now you will get a screen that looks like the below screenshot, Here you can enter the previously created credentials for the Google Cloud Storage configuration.

Then click on the button Next to verify the credentials that you are entered.

And in the next step, you will get a verified result page if it is successful you can click on to Save Configuration button to save the settings. If it fails to verify then you can go back and edit the credentials easily,

Finally, you are ready to offload the media

Happy Offloading

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